4 Ways Yoga Impacts Mental Health?

Journey Healing Centers focuses on Yoga primarily as a healing practice for men, women and children of all ages.

We all know that yoga has some pretty amazing benefits for the body, but did you know that it can also do wonders for your mental health? Here are four ways that yoga can help improve your mental well-being.

Yoga Assists You In Developing Your Self-Concept

Yoga allows you to have a better understanding of yourself and create a more nonjudgmental relationship with yourself. You’re gaining confidence in yourself because your unconscious mind tells you that you are deserving of this effort. So you exercise more and eat healthier. Everything comes down to your connection with yourself at the end of the day.

You create a healthy, balanced ego when you gain confidence and become more established in your sense of self and core. You have nothing to prove and nothing to conceal. You develop bravery and strong willpower. You’re not frightened of having uncomfortable talks since you know you’ll be okay at the end of the day.

It Helps You Manage Stress

There are many different ways that yoga can help you manage stress and boost your mental health including:

1.Improving your breathing habits, which can help to calm the mind and body.

2.Increasing feelings of self-awareness and compassion, both of which can help to reduce stress levels.

3.Releases tension in the body and promotes feelings of relaxation.

Ultimately, practicing yoga can help you manage stress more effectively and improve your overall mental health.

Improves Mood

All forms of exercise can improve your mood by reducing stress hormone levels, boosting the synthesis of feel-good chemicals called endorphins, and increasing the amount of oxygenated blood in your brain. Yoga, on the other hand, may provide extra advantages. It can improve mood by increasing levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a brain chemical linked to a better mood and reduced anxiety.

Meditation also lowers activity in the limbic system, which is responsible for emotions. When presented with difficult conditions, you have a more tempered response as your emotional reactivity declines.

Researchers compared brain imaging and chemical measures in participants who did 45 minutes of yoga to people who did a sedentary type of relaxation such as listening to music or reading. Yoga practitioners have greater amounts of beneficial brain chemicals.


Yoga Sharpens Your Brain

Yoga has been shown to improve mental clarity and cognitive function. In one study, researchers found that people who did yoga had better attention spans than those who didn’t do yoga. Yoga can also help improve your memory. In a study of people with age-related memory loss, those who did yoga had better recall than those who didn’t do yoga.

Lifting weights makes your muscles stronger and larger. When you practice yoga, your brain cells form new connections, and structural and functional changes occur in the brain, resulting in better cognitive abilities such as learning and memory. Yoga improves memory, attention, awareness, thinking, and language by strengthening the brain’s memory, attention, awareness, thought, and language centers. Think of it like mental weightlifting.

Starting a yoga practice is the first step toward bettering yourself. It all starts with loving oneself on all levels and then reaping the physical and mental rewards that follow. Even 10 minutes a day can help you enhance your mood, reduce anxiety, and reduce emotional reactivity.


About the Authors

Journey Healing Centers focuses on Yoga primarily as a healing practice for men, women, and children of all ages.  We know that most Americans believe that “yoga is good for you,” but did you know that science backs them up? It’s true! Yoga has been shown to improve health, cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, and balance, all while reducing stress, anxiety, and pain. Yoga practitioners have a stronger sense of mental clarity, physical fitness, flexibility, and strength.  As you can see these are all powerful reasons for taking up Yoga – so join us!

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Categorized as Yoga

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